We Have Begun

Partners & Friends,

Harvest has started in earnest. We have completed 230 acres of corn and 25 acres of soybeans. Early yields are good; above average. Moisture for the corn ranged from 19-23%. Beans were around 11% on Monday night when we got started at dusk. The ground is very dry right now; the 1/2 inch we received last night was very welcome. We intend to seed rye for a cover crop on about half of our corn acres going to beans next year. The new-to-us combine is operating great and it’s so fun to watch a machine adjust on the go to different crop conditions. We have commented about how amazed those who have farmed before us would be to sit in the cab of one of these machines and see the harvest capacity and all the data we are collecting! We added another CDL driver this week with Ryan passing his driving portion of his exam. Congratulations, Ryan! Our driver capacity is definitely improving this fall. Another WIU student is scheduled to take his test next week. The new wet bin has given us increased capacity and we are able to do a lot of drying when we are rained out (like we are today) and when we switch over to beans. The plan has come together! Riders are welcome!

The global economy is putting pressure on commodity markets. Beans look to threats from good Brazilian seeding weather, good yields, reduced port shipping capacity due to the hurricane, and the fact they are a least-cost planting option next year. Input prices for this next year are climbing fast. The extra margin from higher corn and bean prices has evaporated. Some chemical inputs will be unavailable next year and parts and equipment are getting hard to source.

Family is great. We took a quick trip to St Louis last week for baby-holding and volleyball. Ali went back to Chicago for her senior year. Schoolwork is keeping most grandkids occupied.

Fall Prices:

Corn 5.07

Soybeans 12.27

Keep in touch! Questions and comments welcomed.


Remembering the Past

Partners and friends,

I attended The Half Century of Progress Show in Rantoul at the old Air Force base this past week. There were acres and acres of equipment from over 50 years ago and over 5,000 UTV's on the grounds to look things over. My friend Chuck and I watched over 30 corn pickers in action and 5 corn shellers at work and numerous tractors and moldboard plows turn soil over. There was no carbon saved at that show. :) I give a big hats-off to the dedication and effort of the organization that puts on that show every other year. In observing all the events going on I am reminded of those who have gone before me and the sweat and innovation and development and refinement of the machines to make agriculture more productive and efficient. I can remember picking ear corn and 2,000 bushels was a big day—now we do that in less than an hour! I felt proud to think of those who have gone before and created the agriculture system we have in the world today, and how if there is food shortage in the world it is not because of supply, but is a distribution issue.

We are finishing up summer projects--tile repair, equipment maintenance, end of crop year bookkeeping, waterway repair, mowing, and tiling where crops are not in the way. The crop is rapidly maturing and from the looks of it, this corn crop will be one of the best ever. Beans are benefiting from some of the spotty showers this past week and are filling nicely. We are targeting a start date of mid-September. We have picked up a few part-time high school and college team members to round out the staff. Our annual fall safety meeting is on the schedule for September 8th. The bin project for corn drying is mostly complete. We have been told the new storage bin we ordered might not be delivered till late October. Will it get erected in time to use this harvest? Stay tuned.

Globally, grain supply is tightening up a bit. We foresee commodity prices staying elevated for a year or two. Brazil is preparing to plant more acres of soybeans than ever before. Weather concerns are popping up all around the globe—too wet or too dry. Climate change has been going on since the earth was created. Mankind now thinks he can control it by throwing money at it.

Family is well. Kennett is growing quite well. Show season is over. School is starting for everyone except Ali, who does not go back till late September. Phyllis and I had a nice getaway weekend on our anniversary.

Fall Prices:

Corn 5.44

SB 13.13

Keep in touch! Comments always welcomed.


What We Do

Partners and friends,

The middle of summer is already here. Things are a bit slower. A week ago I (Steve) went to PA to help my friend John who was preparing for a kidney transplant and still had a lot of first cutting hay to get harvested. We had a very productive week and cut and baked and wrapped almost 100 acres. This past week John was able to tell the doctor he was ready for the transplant, and 2 nights ago he got the call. Recovery is going well.

On the farm we have we finished all the spraying we can. The corn will get another fungicide and insecticide application that should take the crop closer to a successful finish. The beans will get another dose of fungicide in a bit. We just finished our second cutting of alfalfa. The summer project list has been pared down to what time we see remaining for job completion. The machine shed at Marcus' house has new kick boards and poles. The crops are looking very good with the rains and cooler weather. Corn pollination is progressing nicely. Beans are growing and adding lots of leaves.

Commodity markets are still volatile but the weather has started down trending channels in corn and beans. The administration’s indications on renewable fuels are not good news for corn and beans. China is reigning in its commodity spending spree. And apparently the market has rationed available supplies for the rest of the summer. Lots of negative news.

Fair season is in full swing—learning a lot about showing goats and pigs. Fulton Co fair is coming in another week. State Fair coming. Still waiting for a call from St. Louis announcing grandchild #12. Looking forward to a trip to NY. School is going to begin in about a month. What a lot of good things going on!

Stay cool and enjoy this season!!




Summer is here - the heat is turned up and rain turned down. Actually a dryer June is not such a bad thing as the crops will develop deeper roots that will furnish more water and nutrients to the plants later on. A dry hot July and August are the real threats to yields. We have finished sidedressing all the corn and are close to finishing the post-emergence spraying of the corn. On Friday we finished replanting soybeans. Overall we replanted about 3% of our corn acres and 4% of our soybean acres. This past week was a delivery week for non-gmo corn so we kept both trucks running and brought in some help to get about 80% of our remaining non-gmo corn delivered. We installed a new 3-phase generator at our main grain facility and are continuing to make progress on the update going on there. Got the first alfalfa crop baled and oats are wrapped up. Dryness is going to reduce some of the next cutting. This weekend was the first time out for the Hess girls showstring of pigs and goats; they were hot times for the Cuba and Farmington livestock shows but a good overall showing for the exhibitors. We are into the time of summer when we start on the project list. We have lots to accomplish to keep everything spit-spot . We can already see that we are going to have to pick and choose what the priorities are.

Question asked from last post: Why have commodity prices shot up like they did? See what analysts are saying here. Some of my personal feelings are that the USDA is finally recognized how short the ‘19 and ‘20 crops really were and adjusted carryover, China is making some marketing moves that we should be more prudent about allowing, usage is growing, and crop growing struggles worldwide have cut supplies while demand is growing. We see inflation coming already and these next few years are going to be a real challenge to navigate. Cash corn this past week was $7 at the shuttle and beans at Havana were $16.50! Farmer bins are empty. Wish we had some left to sell.

Family is doing well. Less than a month to grandchild 12 in St Louis. Show season and summer camps and graduations to celebrate. Summer is already rushing by and so many good things to keep track of and see!

Fall Prices:

Corn 6.00

Soybeans 14.33

Keep in touch & stay cool!



Partners & Friends,

We have a rain day today after a week of finishing up some tasks. We replanted about 50 acres of some of the first planted soybeans that weren't emerging too well. Corn and soybean planting was complete on the same day a week ago--May 7--one of earliest completions ever! All the fields have been sprayed with the initial pass and we will soon start with postemergence applications. We are readying the hay equipment for the first cutting that will take place as soon as there is a weather window available. We also started sideressing NH3 this week. It is interesting that almost all of our corn and beans are emerging at the same time due to the cool soils. Even the early-planted fields are not very much farther along than the last planted - spread out over a 4 week period. We do have one of the evenest and most uniform stands of corn and soy we have had for several years. We have installed about 7,000 feet of tile this week also. After analyzing the pattern and more complete tiled fields the last couple of years we are going to aggressively tile as much as possible the next few years to be able to achieve the productivity some of the farms are capable of. The yield maps are telling the story and after seeing where we have been replanting areas in field it is evident that the drainage is an investment that pays back over and over forever. We are repairing some lines that were installed over a hundred years ago.

The I-40 bridge shutdown over the Mississippi this week caused havoc in the commodity markets - corn was down .70 in 2 days. This kind of event shows how important our waterway system is for grain movement! Biden's announcement of 30 x 30 leaves a lot of unanswered questions and makes us wonder what the strategy is for food production in the future in this country. We welcome the easing of Covid restrictions here in IL. The talk of an infrastructure bill sounds encouraging till we realize that we will pay for it all with higher taxes. And yes it is hard to hire qualified people when unemployment benefits are so generous. We are feeling inflation pressure in all of our inputs. I wonder how long till interest creeps up?

Family doing great. End of year school programs, Ali moved to Cinncinatti for a summer intern job. Lots of show animals are here in our barn. We watched a Zoom video of St. Louis kids' spring gymnastics program. Looking forward to some summer fun with family when we get crops and tasks to a good place to pause.

Fal Prices:

Corn 5.33

SB 13.94

Keep in touch,
