
Partners & Friends,
We have a rain day today after a week of finishing up some tasks. We replanted about 50 acres of some of the first planted soybeans that weren't emerging too well. Corn and soybean planting was complete on the same day a week ago--May 7--one of earliest completions ever! All the fields have been sprayed with the initial pass and we will soon start with postemergence applications. We are readying the hay equipment for the first cutting that will take place as soon as there is a weather window available. We also started sideressing NH3 this week. It is interesting that almost all of our corn and beans are emerging at the same time due to the cool soils. Even the early-planted fields are not very much farther along than the last planted - spread out over a 4 week period. We do have one of the evenest and most uniform stands of corn and soy we have had for several years. We have installed about 7,000 feet of tile this week also. After analyzing the pattern and more complete tiled fields the last couple of years we are going to aggressively tile as much as possible the next few years to be able to achieve the productivity some of the farms are capable of. The yield maps are telling the story and after seeing where we have been replanting areas in field it is evident that the drainage is an investment that pays back over and over forever. We are repairing some lines that were installed over a hundred years ago.
The I-40 bridge shutdown over the Mississippi this week caused havoc in the commodity markets - corn was down .70 in 2 days. This kind of event shows how important our waterway system is for grain movement! Biden's announcement of 30 x 30 leaves a lot of unanswered questions and makes us wonder what the strategy is for food production in the future in this country. We welcome the easing of Covid restrictions here in IL. The talk of an infrastructure bill sounds encouraging till we realize that we will pay for it all with higher taxes. And yes it is hard to hire qualified people when unemployment benefits are so generous. We are feeling inflation pressure in all of our inputs. I wonder how long till interest creeps up?
Family doing great. End of year school programs, Ali moved to Cinncinatti for a summer intern job. Lots of show animals are here in our barn. We watched a Zoom video of St. Louis kids' spring gymnastics program. Looking forward to some summer fun with family when we get crops and tasks to a good place to pause.
Fal Prices:
Corn 5.33
SB 13.94
Keep in touch,