

Summer is here - the heat is turned up and rain turned down. Actually a dryer June is not such a bad thing as the crops will develop deeper roots that will furnish more water and nutrients to the plants later on. A dry hot July and August are the real threats to yields. We have finished sidedressing all the corn and are close to finishing the post-emergence spraying of the corn. On Friday we finished replanting soybeans. Overall we replanted about 3% of our corn acres and 4% of our soybean acres. This past week was a delivery week for non-gmo corn so we kept both trucks running and brought in some help to get about 80% of our remaining non-gmo corn delivered. We installed a new 3-phase generator at our main grain facility and are continuing to make progress on the update going on there. Got the first alfalfa crop baled and oats are wrapped up. Dryness is going to reduce some of the next cutting. This weekend was the first time out for the Hess girls showstring of pigs and goats; they were hot times for the Cuba and Farmington livestock shows but a good overall showing for the exhibitors. We are into the time of summer when we start on the project list. We have lots to accomplish to keep everything spit-spot . We can already see that we are going to have to pick and choose what the priorities are.

Question asked from last post: Why have commodity prices shot up like they did? See what analysts are saying here. Some of my personal feelings are that the USDA is finally recognized how short the ‘19 and ‘20 crops really were and adjusted carryover, China is making some marketing moves that we should be more prudent about allowing, usage is growing, and crop growing struggles worldwide have cut supplies while demand is growing. We see inflation coming already and these next few years are going to be a real challenge to navigate. Cash corn this past week was $7 at the shuttle and beans at Havana were $16.50! Farmer bins are empty. Wish we had some left to sell.

Family is doing well. Less than a month to grandchild 12 in St Louis. Show season and summer camps and graduations to celebrate. Summer is already rushing by and so many good things to keep track of and see!

Fall Prices:

Corn 6.00

Soybeans 14.33

Keep in touch & stay cool!
