What We Do
/Partners and friends,
The middle of summer is already here. Things are a bit slower. A week ago I (Steve) went to PA to help my friend John who was preparing for a kidney transplant and still had a lot of first cutting hay to get harvested. We had a very productive week and cut and baked and wrapped almost 100 acres. This past week John was able to tell the doctor he was ready for the transplant, and 2 nights ago he got the call. Recovery is going well.
On the farm we have we finished all the spraying we can. The corn will get another fungicide and insecticide application that should take the crop closer to a successful finish. The beans will get another dose of fungicide in a bit. We just finished our second cutting of alfalfa. The summer project list has been pared down to what time we see remaining for job completion. The machine shed at Marcus' house has new kick boards and poles. The crops are looking very good with the rains and cooler weather. Corn pollination is progressing nicely. Beans are growing and adding lots of leaves.
Commodity markets are still volatile but the weather has started down trending channels in corn and beans. The administration’s indications on renewable fuels are not good news for corn and beans. China is reigning in its commodity spending spree. And apparently the market has rationed available supplies for the rest of the summer. Lots of negative news.
Fair season is in full swing—learning a lot about showing goats and pigs. Fulton Co fair is coming in another week. State Fair coming. Still waiting for a call from St. Louis announcing grandchild #12. Looking forward to a trip to NY. School is going to begin in about a month. What a lot of good things going on!
Stay cool and enjoy this season!!