Remembering the Past

Partners and friends,

I attended The Half Century of Progress Show in Rantoul at the old Air Force base this past week. There were acres and acres of equipment from over 50 years ago and over 5,000 UTV's on the grounds to look things over. My friend Chuck and I watched over 30 corn pickers in action and 5 corn shellers at work and numerous tractors and moldboard plows turn soil over. There was no carbon saved at that show. :) I give a big hats-off to the dedication and effort of the organization that puts on that show every other year. In observing all the events going on I am reminded of those who have gone before me and the sweat and innovation and development and refinement of the machines to make agriculture more productive and efficient. I can remember picking ear corn and 2,000 bushels was a big day—now we do that in less than an hour! I felt proud to think of those who have gone before and created the agriculture system we have in the world today, and how if there is food shortage in the world it is not because of supply, but is a distribution issue.

We are finishing up summer projects--tile repair, equipment maintenance, end of crop year bookkeeping, waterway repair, mowing, and tiling where crops are not in the way. The crop is rapidly maturing and from the looks of it, this corn crop will be one of the best ever. Beans are benefiting from some of the spotty showers this past week and are filling nicely. We are targeting a start date of mid-September. We have picked up a few part-time high school and college team members to round out the staff. Our annual fall safety meeting is on the schedule for September 8th. The bin project for corn drying is mostly complete. We have been told the new storage bin we ordered might not be delivered till late October. Will it get erected in time to use this harvest? Stay tuned.

Globally, grain supply is tightening up a bit. We foresee commodity prices staying elevated for a year or two. Brazil is preparing to plant more acres of soybeans than ever before. Weather concerns are popping up all around the globe—too wet or too dry. Climate change has been going on since the earth was created. Mankind now thinks he can control it by throwing money at it.

Family is well. Kennett is growing quite well. Show season is over. School is starting for everyone except Ali, who does not go back till late September. Phyllis and I had a nice getaway weekend on our anniversary.

Fall Prices:

Corn 5.44

SB 13.13

Keep in touch! Comments always welcomed.
