She Has Arrived!

Partners & Friends,

Baby Prisca arrived on Saturday, April 29th! It was a quick delivery and she was welcomed into the family with an abundance of love. There has been no shortage of open arms and offers to hold either.😊 Lindsay is doing well after two brief hospital visits following delivery. I am anew reminded of the wonder of creation, as well as the innocence and marvels of youth.

Planting corn has once again shifted into high gear. We took a week off after being 50% complete, both due to the cold and to see how emergences would be with the early planting. It is a good thing we paused, because we are now replanting the majority of the first wave sowed in early April. The Hess Family Farm team is running the planter about 20 hours per day and averaging over 300 acres during each of those periods—replanting will not take long. As for the soybeans, it currently appears that they are going to have enough population to be satisfactory. We are also running our CRP (Conservation Reserve Program) drill fast and hard with custom work. There is plenty of marginal ground getting enrolled for some nice rental rates—that means more carbon sequestered, although no tax credits exist like a pipeline.🫤

There will be a press conference this week in Springfield, check it out here. Perfect planting conditions are causing commodity weakness. Export corridor negotiations are ongoing—changing tides day to day. Weather is getting to become a large concern; we have appreciated the great soil conditions, but now we need some regular rain!

These are exciting times with a new baby! Ali’s graduation is less than a month away. Spring concerts and performances are popping up and being enjoyed. The season of livestock show is also shifting into high gear.

Current Prices:



Keep in touch and please reach out with comments and questions,
