Progress Report

Partners & Friends,

The Hess Family Farm team made stellar progress last week. We completed about 60% of bean planting and around 50% of corn. The corn ground is all sprayed, and we’re working on bean fields now after receiving a 1/2 inch of rain. The ground was good and warm—soil temps are over 50 degrees. Most of the kinks have been worked out of the system now, so running should hopefully be smoother the remainder of planting season. We are also trying to avoid working after dark, since it is still early and we do not want to burn ourselves out. The Hess Family Farm team also had a few more hands on deck while planting, with my brother-in-law, Kevin, who helped out all week, and friend, Chuck, who came in for a day. Onward and upward!

It has been a wrestling match recently with oil prices and the question of what to do about locking in fuel. The Brazilian safrinha corn crop is looking good. They are planning on adequate moisture for the rest of the season—that’s what is being forecasted, anyway. The export corridor situation in the Black Sea changes daily.

Our family is well! Phyllis and I are waiting for the call to come any moment with news that Lindsay is in labor.😍 Softball practice has begun for Abbott.😁 Ali’s search for a job and final college quarter at UChicago are both coming along well. Miriam has also become our first grandchild to get a driver's license! 👏🏻

Fall Prices:



Stay safe and in touch,
