Going Green

Partners & Friends,

We are going green—solar panels were installed at both farmsteads and are generating enough power to send some back “upstream”. To avoid the chance of damage to equipment, the arrays were installed on the roofs of the barns. The solar panels have been operational for about 10 days now. We will keep you updated as to cost efficiencies.

NH3 application is almost complete, only about 120 acres remaining. The weather should warm up again next and allow us to complete it. The Hess Family Farm has been shipping corn daily to the local TriOak feed mill. They are grinding over 15000 bushels per day! We are in the midst of crop plans for next year— considering planting more corn and reducing bean acres due to current economics. Seed prices are up 10-20% from a year ago, while fertilizer bills are over 40% higher than last year. Diesel is also a real wildcard. We are trying to be smart shoppers and efficient users of inputs (as always), but the pencil is a bit sharper this year.

Volatility is still the word for world markets. Ukraine's export corridor turns on and off at the whim of Putin. Inflation is still very high. The weather in Argentina is dry. Energy costs, especially natural gas and diesel, are high. Congress will be divided for the next 2 years. The dollar remains strong, dampening exports.

Everyone is looking forward to Thanksgiving this week! The holiday is a good reminder to be thankful for all our family and friends. We are a blessed nation, community, business, and family.

Fall 2023 Prices:



Enjoy this week and appreciate the outpouring of abundance we have around us!
