Thank You

Partners & Friends,
We finished harvest on Saturday. It was a great season with no major breakdowns, spills, or injuries. We also ate very well!
A big thanks goes to…
Compeer for Food Truck Fridays + a personal delivery one Friday
West Central FS for the pork chops delivered
TriOak Foods for the pork loin delivered
Ryco for ribeye on a rainy day
Shanna for some great food in the field (especially the beef and noodles)
Phyllis for delivery services multiple times
Harvest is complete! The corn crop yield was some of the best ever, despite the sparse rain from mid-July until now. The bean crop was good as well—right at trendline. We have a lot of projects that were set aside during harvest to keep busy with now. The crew was great this year! We greatly appreciated our third semi when hauling the (more than ever before) bushels. There are creeks dry now that have, as far as we remember, never quit flowing previously. It is recommended to not apply fall NH3 until getting some rain and moisture back in the ground.
The Mississippi River is at record low levels in Memphis. Bean price is terrible due to light barge loading and small loads of fertilizer and supplies coming from the north. The war in Ukraine and winter energy requirements in Europe are causing market uncertainty. Why are we using our strategic petroleum supply when this is not a national emergency? Diesel supplies are at their lowest levels in decades—only a 25 day supply. A lot of good it does for President Biden to plead with OPEC to increase supplies while they are already having record profits…🙄 And him getting involved in the railroad strike to have it delayed until after the election…how was that in the public interest?
This upcoming weekend is Cora’s final volleyball tournament, Nationals in Council Bluffs, Iowa. We look forward to watching her win! Lindsay and family also had a great harvest week here on the farm; apple cider was made! We are excited for the family weekends and holidays to be celebrated soon. Phyllis’ recovery is going as well as can be expected.
Current Prices:
Stay safe,