Vibrant Teammate

Friends and Partners,

We are deeply saddened to pass along that one of our valued team members has passed away. On Friday, March 5, Renee McGrew was transporting a load of grain for a neighbor in his semi truck and trailer. The truck left the road and flipped onto its side. The crash was fatal.

Renee had proven herself to be a very capable teammate here at Hess Family Farm. She was leading our data analysis collection, payroll services, equipment maintenance oversight, technology data collection, grain contract management and trucking organization. There was not a piece of our equipment she could not capably handle--including planting, spraying and combining.

After working here for a time she would make mention that maybe there are a few redeeming features of red tractors and Ford trucks. She loved any kind of livestock work and was quite an accomplished horse woman. She oversaw bottle calf chores here on a few occasions. While here she helped train numerous rookies for tractor operations. She was a friend to all and earned respect from all for her work ethic. There were no tasks she wouldn't undertake although some were not on her most favored list.

She studied and practiced hard to earn her CDL last August. Thanks in part to Ryan's assistance she overcame apprehension and successfully drove the course! She also had become an accomplished hunter and if ever under attack you would want her on your side. She had a generous nature but wasn't afraid to call out misdeeds and mistakes and character flaws. We joked many times how fortunate she was to be on a family farm with “Walnut Grove Dirt" as opposed to some of the Fulton County fields we cover. She loved her family deeply and knew the meaning of the McGrew family reputation.

Renee leaves us with a big gap operation-wise. In a review this past week we had just gone over all the tasks she was responsible for—and then heaped a few more on her plate as she was undertaking more management roles. Our entire family is going to feel deep loss for some time. She was like a granddaughter to me and a daughter to Marcus. We look forward to the day we can meet again to share some good farm stories and see that twinkle in her bright brown eyes and that beautiful smile.

Renee’s Obituary
