Meeting Season

Friends and Partners,

We just finished a week of several meetings: Beck's PFR, Precision Planting, TEPAP, Conservis, seed dealers, chemical dealers, Compeer Financial. However, only twp were face to face meetings! We have definitely learned to adapt and stay distanced and apart (but we do not require masks in our office). We also encourage handshakes. When we designed our office, who would've ever thought we would be using our conference room watching a TV screen for business? We are also constantly listening to podcasts and trying to stay abreast of the ever changing political landscape and up to date on programs for small business relief. All this while also marketing in a seasonally unprecedented commodity market. We are also working on updating equipment to stay on top of the latest technology to be better able to plant and harvest a higher quality crop. This is not whining (which old men are prone to do) but just a reflection on how there is no slow season on the farm in this environment.

Few quick points we heard past few weeks

--China will pass the US economy in 2-5 years

--Grain Marketing plans have been setback 5 years

--Minimum wage rise will push consolidation at every level

--US has the most efficient ag production in the world

--De-urbanization happening rapidly

--Technology has accelerated by 5 years

--21st Century will be defined by Biology

--Soil and water health are gonna be emphasized in this decade

--There is no such thing as back to normal

--TINA-there is no alternative

New leader in the White House along with a new Secretary of Agriculture. The leaning of the people in power is definitely toward green energy and less fossil fuel usage. On the farm we are looking toward carbon credits and how we can keep our operation more sustainable with cover crops. Illinois has a new House majority leader for the first time in about 30 years.

The family is all back in school and doing well. We are enjoying the mild winter and the lack of snow and extreme cold we are accustomed to here in Illinois. Not too many opportunities for sledding and ice skating. Our Christmas get together was one of trading Covid stories and reflecting on past pandemics.

New crop prices--



Stay safe and keep in touch. We appreciate any and all questions and feedback.

