Solar Minimum

We are keeping busy with plenty of summer projects and are now deciding which ones aren't going to make the cut this summer. Having spent the better part of the past two weeks repairing tile issues--which in large part were caused buy the rains this spring--we feel that a lot of effort is going into fixing and healing things caused by the weather the past 12 months (3rd wettest in IL on record). We are also down to just a few thousand bushels of corn to deliver, that being made possible by more normal river levels. Usually by July 1 we have the bins empty. but we’ve still been getting the equipment cleaned up and checked over from this planting season (lots of power washing for Josh, Aaron and Daniel). We have a few upgrade projects at the tower bin site to complete, and are holding out hope for some time on the lake. Yikes! School starts in 2 weeks!
Solar Minimum—google it. Apparently that is part of the reason for the cooler weather affecting the growing season. Crop conditions are struggling. we received less than 1" of rain in July, and there is very little in the next two-week forecast. The late corn is now tasseling and thankfully the cooler weather is providing some relief. The late beans are certainly short. The weather into mid-September will determine their fate. Thank goodness we were able to plant early for a few days with our two planters. The early planted fields look decent and will yield well although not above trendline. We are spraying insecticide with all the fungicide we are applying to help the plants fight the added stress of the Japanese beetle invasion. One benefit of the dryness is we are keeping up much better with the yard mowing. ;)
Nationally we are wondering where the trade battle will end. The demand side of the equation is being hammered each week with ethanol plant closings and export reductions. The livestock sector is looking at shrinking margins and now the feed supply is being curtailed. Hay supplies are tight and pastures around there are already being supplemented. No one ever said this job is boring!
Family is busy and preparing for the new school year. Found time for a Cubs-Cards game (courtesy of Compeer) and hope for a few times at the lake yet this summer. Ali still has another month at Marcus and family had a great and relaxing time in upstate NY. Hoping for a day at the state fair.
Keep in touch—all questions and comments welcome.
Fall prices:
Corn 3.82
Soybeans 8.18