Knee High by the Fourth of July
With Fourth of July festivities behind us, we are back to normal busy summer pace. Still trying to get some late side dressing done, bit of spot spraying to do, and lots of grain to haul now that water levels have dropped and river terminals are open again. We had a very few tassels detected in our early corn on July 5th. First time in many years that no corn tasseling is happening yet on Independence Day.
One bright spot is that Dakota, one of our college students, passed his CDL exam. That will really help with all the grain hauling we have to do this summer now that barges can transverse the Mississippi and Illinois river system. We have quite a list of summer projects that will have to be pared-down with a late start. Lots of tile holes and water-damaged waterways to repair, along with bin and building maintenance.
Talking about the Chinese tariff situation is sounding like a broken record. This past week marked the one year anniversary of the dispute. There is a big tropical storm brewing in the gulf that might head up into the midwest. Some weather forecasters are already giving odds for an earlier-than-normal frost. Plenty of stuff to keep an eye on this summer.
Local 4-H fair is this week and we are taking a calf and baked goods. Details next post. Getting scheduled for some days off to unwind and ready for the upcoming harvest. It was good to celebrate our independence with family and friends and plenty of food.
Fall prices:
Corn 4.30
Soybeans 8.64
Stay cool and keep in touch!