Get Out the Shorts!

Partners & Friends,

While entering the middle of June, the forecast has turned HOT, with heat indexes over 100. We are trying to get the beans sprayed before June 20 (the last date to spray), but the label says no dicamba on days over 85°. 🙁 We will see what can be accomplished this weekend. The cool, wet weather has been fantastic for crop development, yet the crop is still behind “normal” for growth. This heat should help them catch up, as long as moisture does not run out. Stands of corn and beans are near perfect. Our seed dealer told us that he did not have to send out a single bag of replant seed, which is the first time ever! Corn has potential to be a great crop, depending on weather during and after pollination. Beans are not looking to have record potential, with slow growth and delayed flowering. 

We have arrived in our third season on the farm: construction. This is our window of opportunity to remodel and upgrade facilities and property for better utilization throughout the year. We are upgrading the horse barn at Marcus’ farmstead, remodeling our parlor building for work area and goats, and converting one of the former freestall barns for hay and machine storage. That, along with waterway repairs and driveway improvements, always has our list longer than time and resources permit. The HFF team feel it necessary to continually upgrade to keep the farm—both what we own and the property our landowners contribute—as productive as possible. Haying this summer is frustrating with the recent weather…first cutting should have been completed 2 weeks ago.😐 We have been doing some custom CRP seeding when ground conditions allow, as well as spraying fences and creek banks to control rogue trees and sprouts. We are also still delivering corn and beans; the bins are almost empty. I have never sold $8/bushel corn, but getting very close to that right now. 😁

Questions are looming in the global marketplace: how much crop got planted in Ukraine? How much will they be able to export? How much demand destruction has occurred? What will fertilizer availability and price be next crop season? Where will energy prices top out? Can we agree on a long-term energy policy in the US? How long and deep will this (possible) recession be?

The family is in the throes of summer activities: VBS, camps, goat shows, vacations, ball games, and hopefully a little relaxation. With a few more issues that popped up recently, Phyllis will be tending to her eye for quite a while.

Fall Prices:



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