
Partners & friends,
Thinking about all we have been challenged with this past year, this job is still a dream job. There are several things I am so thankful for.
For ancestors that weren't afraid of hard work and perseverance in the face of weather, economic and social issues
For rural America and the peace and tranquility we are afforded in this setting
For the opportunities to work with this beautiful plant and animal creation every day
For friends and neighbors who live out loving, serving and caring
For freedom of religion and the wonderful community of believers we are in
For healthy Christ-seeking children and grandchildren
For living in a country where we openly and freely choose who will govern us
For a loving God who loves and forgives me every day
Here on the farm we are in the midst of office crunch time. Paying year end bills, analyzing the past years crops, choosing seed and chemicals and crop rotations for this next season, and figuring out how to do more with less this next year, are a part of the processes we go through every year at this time. Outside the office we are cleaning equipment, hauling grain, helping some neighbors finish harvest, and constantly repairing tractors, trucks and combines. Our eleven head of cattle need to be fed and cared for each day. This is also the season for seed, marketing and management meetings.
As discombobulated as world politics seem my history reading reminds me that this is the way world governments have always been. Producing and protecting food supplies have been priorities for all civilizations. Trade wars have always been present. And world leaders have always recognized that a well-fed populace is easier to govern.
This is the season for Christmas programs. School and church programs remind us of why we celebrate and proclaim great joy from the Birth 2000 years ago. A real story for the ages. Ali has completed first quarter of her sophomore year. Looking forward to some time with family and friends these next few weeks.