
People are what makes a university rugby team have an undefeated season, and people are what makes this farm operate. The team we are operating with this year here at Hess Family Farm is diverse and hardworking. There are 14 team members that have participated so far this harvest season, each bringing a special set of talents to the effort to get the crop year of 2019 in the books. We appreciate everyone's contribution to what has been a smooth and fast-paced gathering of the sheaves so far this fall. Marcus and I could not do this without all of the hands that are assisting with so many things. We are so thankful!
We are a bit over 50% complete with corn and soybeans at this point. Yields are not as good as the last several years but I am amazed what the hybrids and varieties today can produce under such stressful weather compared to when I began my farming career over 45 years ago. There is something about harvesting a field and seeing the fruits of a year’s labor come to fruition that really gives a sense of accomplishment and joy. We have delivered over 40,000 bushels of corn to the Havana river terminal and over 10,000 bushels of soybeans. We have storage for the rest of the crop. This year about 2/3 of our beans are seed beans grown to be sold commercially for next years crop. Part of this commitment involves cleaning the combine thoroughly between fields to prevent any contamination from other varieties - a 2-hour dirty task.
Nationally the crop is coming in very close to expectations. Yield projections are proving surprisingly accurate. Marcus and I listed our best estimate for each of our fields 2 months ago to be able to come up with a marketing plan. We were within a few percentage points. We do have a concern for stalk strength and grain quality as the days march by. The poor farmers in the Dakotas and Minnesota that received the early snow storm will have a great challenge to harvest that remaining crop.
Family is doing well. We attended one of the UChicago rugby games a couple of weeks ago and watched Alison's team remain undefeated. Please let me know if you know what a SCRUM is. It was my first time watching official collegiate play. Go Maroons!
Current Prices:
Corn 3.72
Soybeans 9.08
Stay Safe!