Fireworks and Fungicides

We are still keeping busy caring for crops. This past week we have been spraying fungicides on corn and soybeans. With the hot and humid conditions we are concerned about diseases moving in, and with the limited rainfall we also want to eliminate stress on the crop as much as possible. We are also seeing some insect pressure on the field edges, primary from Japanese beetles, so we are applying some insecticide along with the fungicide. In our area, crop dusters have been flying non-stop for the past week. We are spraying the beans with our self-propelled sprayer in order to use a higher ratio of water to get better coverage on the plants. As of right now, it looks like there's not much rain in the forecast so we're doing all we can to preserve the highest yield potential possible.
We are finishing up delivering our 2017 crop. We plan to have the bins empty by the end of July so we can get maintenance done before harvest starts. With the crop maturing ahead of schedule we anticipate harvest to begin right after Labor Day. We're working on farmstead maintenance as time allows, but as always, our project list is longer than the summer will allow time for. We are planning to get some time off before the start of harvest; time away makes the long days seem more bearable.
The farm economy is still reeling from all the tariff talk and implementation. As usual, agriculture seems to be the whipping boy for all this tough talk and action. Today it was announced the EPA will not raise the fuel blending standard for next year, which means the chance to use another few hundred million bushels of corn for renewable fuel is lost. Wondering if Trump remembers what part of the country those late counted votes came from. We are pleased with the nominee for SCOTUS.
Our family is halfway through summer with lots to show for it. On the Fourth of July we had some time on the lake along with four different fireworks shows. Phyllis had a cousin get-together this week. We're preparing for Alison's college sendoff on August 11th from 4 to 8pm, everyone is welcome! Classes at UChicago don't start till October 1. My parents' 65th anniversary is July 19th, and a reception for them will be August 12th from 2 to 4 at Checkrow Community Church.
Fall Prices:
Corn 3.29
Soybeans 8.09
Stay cool and keep in touch!