Great Two Weeks


We have just finished a great two week window of planting. We are 100% complete with corn and 75% complete with beans. We are waiting on some seed for the remaining beans which are special seed soybeans we are raising for a major seed comany. Just received a .8 inch rain event the past week, which puts all the planted crop in near-perfect moisture conditions. The soil temperatures have warmed quite nicely and crops are emerging well. We have been keeping up with spraying tasks and will soon start side dressing NH3 to the corn. Our plan for having two planters worked well for the later planting schedule and allowed us to make great progress. We did not put in too many super-long days.

The ag economy seems to be gaining steam with firm commodity prices and renewed optimism. Maybe our president really does know how to negotiate! One plus of all the trade war/tariff talk was the raising of scrap steel prices which gave us an opportunity to get our scrap piles cleaned up. Progress is being made in Congress on the Farm Bill renewal with the biggest stumbling block being how the house and senate will resolve the differences in the SNAP program benefits. Keep an eye on New York Times coverage of progress.

Family: Ali's college decision is made & high school graduation is coming right up. Summer is going to be a busy one with weddings and lots of good things. 

Fall Prices:

Corn 3.89

Soybeans 10.07

Keep in touch,
