Last Rows

We finally found those last rows last Wednesday night about 8:30. Spent all day Thursday getting things tucked in for the rain that night. It was a good feeling during the rain on Friday to be finished. We have a lot of beans stored this year; we only hauled one load to the river. Big thanks to all the great help! Now on to the jobs we put off during harvest. Cleaning equipment, dirt work, tiling (80 acre project), catching up in the office. Planning to start NH3 application after November 1. Looks like the beans were best ever--corn did well, too. The moisture of the last corn hauled from field to shuttle was under 15% and stalk quality was suffering.
The ag world is wondering what the next move will be in the tariff war chess game. The new Brazilian president is planning on turning his country loose for full production. He has even backpedaled on restricting Chinese investment! The commodity prices right now favor corn next year—looks like beans might not move above break-even. The elections next week could make for some interesting plays too. The governor front runner in Illinois is pushing for progressive income tax and a mileage tax on vehicles to raise money for road repair. We are already the second or third highest taxed state in the union. No one has mentioned any real estate tax relief.
Family is well--holidays will be here soon to give us a time to reflect on all the things we have to be thankful for. Winter meeting season is heating up too.
Current prices:
Corn 3.36
Soybeans 7.84
Enjoy the fall colors!