New Life


[from Steve the grandpa]

The event we were anxiously anticipating arrived Monday, February 15th at 10:11 AM. Simeon Charles Luecht, Lindsay and Keith's second child, came into the world at 8 pounds, 1 oz; 21 inches long. He spent the first three hours of his life snuggled into his mother's chest gaining nourishment for his life ahead. 

After participating in the births of four beautiful children with their wonderful mom Phyllis, and then being around (not  in the delivery room) for 9 precious grandchildren, my reaction is still the same. What a wonderful and perfect Creator who designed a perfect plan to fill the earth with new life! None of this just "happened" by chance. 

I was involved in some where around 5-6000 births during the time we were milking. Each time that tiny wet calf took its first breath I was reminded how amazing the cycle of life is. How wonderful is it that we live on a planet with the right conditions to sustain us, and all things necessary to survive and thrive. That is a big part of what I really enjoy about my job: working in this amazing creation!

On the farm we're keeping busy with getting  equipment ready, and will work on tiling projects as weather permits; also shipping grain, spreading fertilizer, and cleaning out barns. This stretch of dry weather will allow lots of outside projects to get underway.

The price of crude is tempting us to lock in fuel needs for the rest of the year. Looking for thoughts about where it will bottom. Don't necessarily want to catch every penny but the fuel suppliers have themselves well covered in summer and fall contract margins. The price of fertilizer is gradually drifting lower - we still have half of our nitrogen needs to secure.

Fall prices:

Corn 3.56

Soybeans 8.56

