

The last several weeks have provided some opportunities for us to visit several of you away from the farm. This time for refreshing and renewal is vital for us to keep perspective about what we do here, and also provides a chance to deepen and build relationships with those who we work with on a regular basis. We truly appreciate all of you landowners and support staff for our operation. We want to say THANK YOU for all the time and trust you give us.

Harper and Alison are back in school. The past couple of months seem like a whirlwind now, but it's been a good and productive summer.

Harvest is about two weeks away. The list of projects has shortened. We are anticipating average trend-line yields. Another year of cooler than normal temperatures (What is going on with climate change? Another post for later.) will show us what kind of crop can develop without temperature stresses. The above average rainfall in June was the big disruption to crop development this year. Corn and bean prices have been falling for the last eight weeks from their summer spike; the consensus now is we need to get in the fields and really see what is out there.

Fall prices:

Corn 3.48

Soybeans 8.62

Keep in touch!