The Last Acre


What a great weekend this has turned out to be.  Aof PM yesterday we completed corn and bean planting for 2015 (for the first time at least)! We have never been done this early - usually we are struggling between rain events to complete corn as of about now. This past week went like clockwork and all the preparation of manpower and equipment really paid off with field efficiency. Corn planting was finished on Tuesday by noon and switching over to beans began that afternoon.

We want to say a big thank you to all the staff that participated in this spring event.

Don't worry, we have still have plenty to do. We hope to complete a tiling project that has been on the list for several months, seed some CRP ground, and rework and seed some more waterways. Sidressing corn and spraying will be on the agenda in about two weeks

Was nice to relax on a Saturday afternoon and spend some time with families.

There is a chance of rain forecast almost every day this next week and 80 degree weather. Almost perfect growing weather! Just keep in mind, this is the situation in almost all of the Midwest growing area and prices are reflecting that. The bird flu story is also going to affect corn consumption for several months the way it is spreading, so keep an eye on that also.

Don't forget your moms next week!