Fireworks and Fungicides


We are still keeping busy caring for crops. This past week we have been spraying fungicides on corn and soybeans. With the hot and humid conditions we are concerned about diseases moving in, and with the limited rainfall we also want to eliminate stress on the crop as much as possible. We are also seeing some insect pressure on the field edges, primary from Japanese beetles, so we are applying some insecticide along with the fungicide. In our area, crop dusters have been flying non-stop for the past week. We are spraying the beans with our self-propelled sprayer in order to use a higher ratio of water to get better coverage on the plants. As of right now, it looks like there's not much rain in the forecast so we're doing all we can to preserve the highest yield potential possible.

We are finishing up delivering our 2017 crop. We plan to have the bins empty by the end of July so we can get maintenance done before harvest starts. With the crop maturing ahead of schedule we anticipate harvest to begin right after Labor Day. We're working on farmstead maintenance as time allows, but as always, our project list is longer than the summer will allow time for. We are planning to get some time off before the start of harvest; time away makes the long days seem more bearable.

The farm economy is still reeling from all the tariff talk and implementation. As usual, agriculture seems to be the whipping boy for all this tough talk and action. Today it was announced the EPA will not raise the fuel blending standard for next year, which means the chance to use another few hundred million bushels of corn for renewable fuel is lost. Wondering if Trump remembers what part of the country those late counted votes came from. We are pleased with the nominee for SCOTUS.

Our family is halfway through summer with lots to show for it. On the Fourth of July we had some time on the lake along with four different fireworks shows. Phyllis had a cousin get-together this week. We're preparing for Alison's college sendoff on August 11th from 4 to 8pm, everyone is welcome! Classes at UChicago don't start till October 1. My parents' 65th anniversary is July 19th, and a reception for them will be August 12th from 2 to 4 at Checkrow Community Church.  

Fall Prices:

Corn 3.29

Soybeans 8.09

Stay cool and keep in touch!


Test Plots, Graduations, and Weddings


We just completed the busiest season of the year -- not planting or harvesting, but getting the crops sprayed and fertilized and laid by, while keeping up with fun family and social events on the calendar!  

We still have some late spraying to do on the seed beans we are raising, but we had to wait on the seed to be delivered so planting was delayed.  Seedling emergence this year is excellent in both corn and beans. Stands are very even and we have not had big rains to cause drowned out spots or soil crusting problems.  We try very hard to keep field edges and fence rows and roadsides maintained to control weeds and prevent brush from getting a foothold.  That work needs to be done while the crop is still small enough to drive through.  We also have a considerable amount of grain contracted for June delivery so Charlie S. is busy with that job.  Commodity prices are faltering due to the lack of weather concerns.  Corn is down almost 30 cents and soybeans are 40 cents lower than highs made in the last month.  

For the agricultural sector, the big news is the Bayer purchase of Monsanto.  Bayer has announced that they will drop the Monsanto name going forward.  It does have a reputation (whether it is deserved or not?) of being the big bad bully on the playground.  Bayer had to divest itself of over $6 billion worth of subsidiaries to get the deal past the US Justice department.  There are basically 3 seed/chemical companies remaining in the world.  Businesses have been consolidating since time began.

The past few weeks have been a busy time for family events.  Alison graduated from Wayland Academy in Beaver Dam, Wisconsin, on May 20th.  Our nephew, Luke Hess, was married May 26 in Peoria Heights, Illinois,  and our nephew, Lance Doll, was married on June 1 in Macomb, Michigan.  It was really great to have these three fun family weekends.

Fall Prices:

Corn:  $3.68/bushel

Soybeans:  $9.54/bu 

Keep in touch and enjoy the summer!


Haze & Hurricanes


What an interesting month! On Labor Day Phyllis and I noticed how funny colored the sky was, especially in the afternoon. Turns out it was smoke from fires out west. Then seeing Harvey and Irma move thru the South was an experience of a lifetime--so much power and fury! While avoiding natural disasters, we are busy finishing up summer projects: mowing, building repairs, equipment storage and readiness, grain hauling, storage readiness, and cattle upkeep. We just started corn harvest yesterday and are experiencing the usual startup kinks. Better now than in 2 weeks! Corn is doing well yield-wise (over 200 BPA) but is still high in moisture (27%). Should be a good harvest if weather cooperates.

Ag outlook seems steady for now. Land prices seem to have stabilized in Illinois and the good harvest should help farmer moods, but prices are really tanking due to the yields. USDA has been predicting good crops nationwide (there are some pockets of drought and excess water) and as it turns out they were accurate with their system of collecting data. But I can think of no other country that publicizes its crop size in the way we do.

Our family is doing well. We have a wedding coming up in October (our nephew, Suanne's son Joel). Schooling for all the kids of the right ages with lots of learning and homework. Lindsay and Keith settling into Milwaukee area. We are trying to keep life simple through harvest!

Fall prices:

Corn 3.16

SB 9.43



Summer Swoon



Summer is rushing by. Since the last post we have received quite adequate rainfall here. The month of July turned out to be a real blessing when the corn was tasseling. The beans responded to all the moisture with lots of growth. We are now expecting close to a trendline yield. The beans still need to make progress filling pods. The corn crop is now starting to dent. The cooler temps have slowed development (that's okay) so harvest will not start as early as we might like. We ended up spraying every acre of corn and beans with fungicide and insecticide. 

We have been keeping busy trying to get all the extra projects done we seem to put off during the rest of the year. Barn maintenance is high on the list. We had a wall blow out in one of the storms in July. To repair it we have to make our own shiplap. We also re-roofed a large section of the barn at Marcus's house, repaired and screwed down the rest of the tin and are now getting ready to paint. We have been mowing the CRP ground that was seeded this year to keep weeds in control till the new seeding gets established. We are also repairing many tile issues that are accessible in the summer with a growing crop. In between we have taken some time off for some family fun. We will be getting harvest equipment out and inspected for the upcoming task at hand.

Ag economy is plugging along. The predicted crop size has set a firm tone to the market. In our travels east and west we saw many crops suffering from too much and too little water. Overall we feel like our situation is one of the better ones. Agriculture is still waiting for all the secondary positions to be filled at USDA--can't understand why the process is so slow. Illinois has passed a budget but now is squabbling over all the details. Economics seem to be good enough that the used equipment market is firm and up-trending.

The family is doing well. Alison is preparing to return for her senior year at Wayland. Shanna is back from a trip to Columbia and Ecuador concerning online WIU classes there.  Many of the grandkids are back to school in the next week or two. During the past 6 weeks we have visited 13 colleges trying to pick a path for Ali post high school.  Phyllis and I celebrate 40 years August 21st. Summer livestock shows are coming to end--State Fair just finished up.

Can you answer the college pic question?

Fall prices:

Corn 3.39

Soybeans 9.17

Keep in touch! Like and comment below.


Beetles & Celebration


Fireworks with Friends

We just finished celebrating the birthday of our country last week. What a time to pause and reflect and give thanks to the many who have sacrificed in order for us to enjoy the freedoms we now enjoy. It was good to spend time with family and friends and count the blessings.

Japanese Beetles

Delivering Grain

On the farm we are busy battling weeds and bugs. The dry weather has limited the effectiveness of some of the herbicides used and now we are under pressure from a rather large infestation of Japanese Beetles. There are some trees and shrubs they think are absolutely delicious. They have been in the area for about two weeks and are now moving into the crop fields. We are concerned, now that the corn is tasseling and shooting silks, that they will dine on the sweet tender ear silks. They are also stripping leaves on the outside of the soybean fields and without significant rain we are wondering what the effect on yields will be. We are also delivering grain, sweeping out bins, and still working on drainage projects that can be addressed without harming the growing crop. So for the month of June we recorded .7 inch of rain at Marcus's place, and 1.47 where Phyllis & I live. Forecast for next two weeks looks dry.

State of Illinois budget is making progress, although it is disappointing to see the governor was steamrolled and none of his proposals were included in the package. Democrats say not to worry, we will take them up later--right! American beef is now being sold in China after a 13 year hiatus. 

Ali on left

Softball Moms

Family is doing well. Alison had her last club softball weekend--sad to leave that stage of life. The crew (we managers included) are trying to get some time off in the summer for some fun relaxation. Next week is the 4-H show so time for bucket calves to make their debut.

Fall prices:

Corn 3.65

Soybeans 9.71

Keep in touch and stay cool! Comment & Like below.
